
Iโ€™ve been doing freelance, on-and-off, my entire career. Nowadays I seldom take on new projects, but I occasionally get inspired. This section also includes side-projects and contract work.


Spender is a spending tracker. It connects to your bank accounts and lets you manually track cash transactions. I founded the project and am taking it from concept, to design, to development.


I helped my friends at Dubsmash with their latest endeavor โ€” Quotes. Quotes is a huge database of video clips ready to be shared. I designed a few screens for their landing page, and mobile web experience. I also contributed UX deliverables for their internal admin portal.

Control Room

Control Room is simple-to-use smart-home app, which lets users get a quick idea of whatโ€™s happening at their home or office.

The focus is automation and quick access - not trying to replicate every single feature of a given device. The UI is purposely minimalist, with swipe actions to navigate between screens.

The goal is to include the most frequent use cases, and give the user an option to open the companion app for a device for more detailed views.


I did a brief stint at Tictail, a Swedish ecommerce startup, leading one of the marketing teams.


A combination of a todo-list and a calendar. A side-project that I work on whenever I have time, which is seldom.